Senator Hutchinson Reappointed Vice Chair of Finance Committee

Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati recently reappointed Senator Scott E. Hutchinson to serve as Vice Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee for the 2015-16 Legislative Session.

The Finance Committee has the primary role of reviewing legislation affecting Pennsylvania’s tax codes before the bills can be considered by the full Senate.

“I appreciate the opportunity to continue serving as vice chairman of the Finance Committee. I am very much interested in financial issues based on my background, and I will work to continue to improve the jobs climate in Pennsylvania,” said Senator Hutchinson, who holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania.

Senator Hutchinson was also reappointed to serve on the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.

“This session, with the inauguration of Governor Wolf, means there will be a different focus by the Administration on the energy producing industries that play such as key role in northwest Pennsylvania’s economy,” said Senator Hutchinson, who serves as the Chairman of Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee. “We may get our first indication of how substantial those changes will be when the committee holds public hearings and considers the governor’s nominations for Secretary of Environmental protection and Secretary for Conservation and Natural Resources.”

Senator Hutchinson will also serve on the Public Health & Welfare Committee and the Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee.

Contact:          Justin Leventry           (717) 787-9684.



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