PENNVEST funding to clean up sewage contamination problems

The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) today (July 16) awarded a $19 million low-interest loan to correct sewage contamination issues in Clarion County, according to Senator Scott E. Hutchinson.

Pennsylvania American Water Company will use the money to upgrade capacity of the former Clarion Area Authority wastewater treatment plant from 1.75 million to 4 million gallons-per-day. The company also plans to renovate the Liberty Lift Station, upgrade 7,728 feet of undersized sewer lines, and install 35,600 feet of new sewer lines and two new pumping stations.

“This project will serve areas of Clarion Township where nearly a third of the on-lot septic systems are malfunctioning,” said Senator Hutchinson. “The project will replace undersize lines that contribute to sanitary overflows and raw sewage backups into residential basements. It will also address problems that result in raw sewage discharges into the Clarion River.

“The project will also allow the Clarion-Limestone School District to tap into Pennsylvania American’s system and abandon its sewage treatment facility,” Senator Hutchinson continued. “The school’s system is seriously overload, which has resulted in contamination of a tributary to Piney Creek and numerous permit violations.”

PENNVEST financing is provided through the use of federal funding and prior bond issues by the state. It is not supported by the state’s General Fund budget, which covers the daily operations and services of the Commonwealth.


Justin Leventry
(717) 787-9684.

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