Butler and Clarion counties, regional police department receive state grants

The Department of Community and Economic Development has awarded Municipal Assistance Grants to Butler and Clarion counties and to two Butler County boroughs for a consolidated regional police department, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson.

Butler County was awarded $14,000 to prepare an updated comprehensive plan. The update will be limited in nature and will focus on action plans for limited county resources (like CDBG funding) and address opportunities and impacts to the county due to natural gas development.

Clarion County was awarded $13,978 for a comprehensive update and modernization of its subdivision and land development ordinance. The update will ensure the ordinance includes the current best practices in development regulations and addresses recent changes in the Municipalities Planning Code.

Evans City and Seven Field boroughs in Butler County were awarded $12,000 for the consolidation of their police departments into the Evans City Seven Fields Regional Police Department. The state money will help pay some start-up costs such as the purchase of a variety of technology, communications and safety equipment.

The Municipal Assistance Program provides funding to assist local governments plan for and efficiently implement a variety of services and improvements, and soundly manage development with an emphasis on intergovernmental approaches.


Justin Leventry
(717) 787-9684


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