The Beaver Township Sewer Authority in Clarion County will receive $2.5 million in funding from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST), according to Senator Scott Hutchinson.
The Authority received a $2,225,846 grant and a $274,154 low-interest loan for its Wentlings Corners Sanitary System Extension project. The work will provide sewage service to an area where more than half of the on-lot sewage systems are malfunctioning and many private wells are contaminated with fecal coliforms and/or nitrates.
The project involves construction of 18,700 feet of sewer lines, installation of 95 individual grinder pumps, upgrades to the Industrial Park Pump Station and connection to Knox Borough’s wastewater treatment system.
“This project will address serious environmental issues in and around the Village of Wentlings Corners where on-lot septic systems are malfunctioning and posing a health hazard to the residents,” said Senator Hutchinson. “This current situation is also impacting the environmental conditions of the region since the malfunctioning systems are discharging raw sewage into the Canoe Creek and Beaver Creek watersheds.”
PENNVEST awarded the funds at its January 15 board meeting. PENNVEST financing is provided through the use of federal funding and prior bond issues by the state. It is not supported by the state’s General Fund budget, which covers the daily operations and services of the Commonwealth.
Contact: Justin Leventry (717) 787-9684.