Senate Sends State Budget to the Governor

The Senate today (December 23) approved and sent to the Governor a fiscally responsible budget proposal that would protect taxpayers from massive tax increases and provides immediate financial relief to local school districts and social service agencies impacted by the prolonged budget impasse, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson. House Bill 1460, a $30.26 billion state budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16, includes a $100 million increase in basic education funding. The bill now goes to the Governor for his signature.

“House Bill 1460 is a full-year budget that responsibly uses the resources available to the Commonwealth without digging deeper into taxpayers’ pockets,” Senator Hutchinson said. “By signing this budget, the Governor can provide much needed money to schools and social service agencies. It is way past time for this impasse to end and House Bill 1460 provides a fiscally responsible way to close this inglorious chapter in Pennsylvania’s history.”

Contact:   Justin Leventry   (717) 787-9684

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