Governor Wolf signed into law on Monday (November 21) legislation that included a provision introduced by Senator Scott Hutchinson that will allow for the use of modern semi-automatic sporting rifles for hunting in Pennsylvania.
House Bill 263, which was enacted as Act 168 of 2016, removes the restriction on air, chemical or gas cylinder powered firearms for hunting. Representative Matt Gabler’s bill was amended in the Senate with the language of Senate Bill 737, Senator Hutchinson’s measure, which permits the use of semi-automatic sporting rifles once regulations for their use for hunting are set by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
“I am pleased that this measure is now law in Pennsylvania,” Senator Hutchinson said. “I’ve heard from numerous sportsmen and women who would like to use the same semi-automatic rifles for hunting that they practice with at the firing range, but Pennsylvania is one of the few states that currently disallows these firearms for hunting of any kind.”
Contact: Justin Leventry (717) 787-9684
Listen to Senator Hutchinson’s comments on his measure.